On December, 25th, in Kharkov in the Islamic Cultural Center "Al-Manar" took place the seminar on Shariat for active workers of female departments. Its participants could not only receive set of... >>>
"Freedom" of relationships between members of opposite sexes, reigning in the modern society, and those sad consequences which reason it, cannot leave indifferent thinking Muslim youth. For this... >>>
All over the world the role of social organizations becomes stronger and stronger; they are treated at the highest level. And though in Ukraine the civil society is still developed poorly and people... >>>
Embodying elective principle of supervising bodies, on December, 17-18th, 2011, at the tenth conference of organizations-members of the AUASO "Аlraid" by open voting of the delegates, the new... >>>
The all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" carried out X General Conference. In the conference which took place in Kiev took part the heads of the Association, representatives... >>>
The phenomenon of the "Arabian Spring" has drawn attention of the whole world to the events occurring in the region. Its discussion started on 21.09.11, on a scientific colloquium in Kiev, however... >>>
From December, 12th, till December, 14th, in Crimea passed solemn actions dedicated to finishing of the scale project for restoration and reconstruction of national Crimean-Tatar schools which... >>>
Search of knowledge and content of the Almighty is one of the duties of Muslims. This purpose united the gathered on December, 3rd, 2011 in the Kharkov ICC "Al-Manar". This day passed the seminar... >>>
On December, 10th, in the Islamic Cultural Center of the AUASO "Аlraid" of the city of Simferopol under the aegis of the Social Organization "Emel" passed the youth championship of Crimea on "... >>>
Donetsk. - In life of modern people ever less reminders on the real destination of a man; and it becomes more difficult for orienting, separating the permitted from the forbidden. Therefore joint... >>>
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