On Saturday, March, 31st, 2012, in Kiev, in the conference hall of the business center "Inkom" took place the international conference "Crystal of female soul". In the conference participated not... >>>
On March, 24-27th, in the capital House of Cinema there worked “Live Library”. This is a place where it is possible to “read” a person representing certain social group;... >>>
On the 17th of March, 2012, the female department of the AUASO "Аlraid" in Crimea carried out training for parents on the topic “Education of children and their mutual relationships with... >>>
On Saturday, March, 10th, 2012, in the assembly hall of the Islamic Cultural City Centre of Kiev took place a scientifically-educational theater presentation “The Golden Age of Islam”... >>>
On March, 13th, 2012, in Simferopol took place the international seminar “Problems of xenophobia and Islamophobia in ethno-political and confessional lives of Crimea”, organised by the... >>>
The Ukrainian delegation included imams of mosques, representatives of social organizations and employees of the Association "Alraid" from different regions of the country. Including heads and... >>>
On March, 5th, 2012, in the Islamic cultural centre "Al-Manar" there passed annual female spring conference “Islam against violence in the family” under the slogan “Family... >>>
On March, 3rd and 4th, 2012, in the Crimean branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" located on Mokrousov street, 7, in Simferopol, took place a traditional quarterly delivery of grants for orphan-... >>>
The chairman of the SO "Al-Amal", the Donbass branch of the AUASO "Alraid", Hamza Isa, is embodied on desk calendar pages "Significant Donbass" for 2012. Advantages of this image edition is that it... >>>
In 2012 the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" together with the Donbass local religious communities carried out a considerable quantity of actions devoted to Mawlid an-Nabi (... >>>
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