Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Association "Аlraid" finished scale Project on restoration and reconstruction of national Crimean-Tatar Schools in Crimea

15.12.2011 / 1140

From December, 12th, till December, 14th, in Crimea passed solemn actions dedicated to finishing of the scale project for restoration and reconstruction of national Crimean-Tatar schools which realization in 2010 was initiated by the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" and the Association of the Crimean-Tatar Educators "Maarifchi" with financial support of the Islamic Bank of Development.




  The project "Strengthening of material base of schools with the Crimean-Tatar language of instruction" captured 16 schools which because of weak state support were in a deplorable state, is informed on the site of the AUASO "Alraid".   As the chairman of "Alraid", doctor Ismail Kadi, stated, except a dire need of buildings in major repair, there were no such obligatory for schools specialized premises, as gyms, medical offices, libraries, work offices, dinning-rooms, computer classes in them.   After the restoration the school buildings became not just reliable and safe, but also got new educational premises and equipment by all necessary tools.  

This week Ismail Kadi personally arrived to Crimea for acceptance of the works executed in seven schools within the limits of the project. Last year works in nine schools were carried out.  

On each of solemn ceremonies there were also representatives of the Crimean parliament and local councils, administrations of schools, pupils and their parents.

The elders invited for the holiday, expressed their gratitude to the management of the Islamic Bank of Development for the huge help to the educational system оf the Crimean-Tatar people in the hard times of their returning and arrangement in their homeland.   Remarkable past and sad present   At the present day these schools are the main centers on studying of the Crimean-Tatar language and to preservation of the Tatar and Muslim culture in the region.   The deputy of the Crimean parliament, Safure Kadzhametova, stated that before the war the quantity of the Tatar schools reached 371 while the quantity of the Soviet schools, by some estimations, made nearby 200. After the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 the Tatar schools were confiscated.   After twenty years of independence of Ukraine, at the disposal of the Crimean Tatars there are just 16 schools which they consider as a symbol of their identity, even in spite of the fact that these educational institutions are calculated for not more than 5400 pupils (from among the total of about 50 thousand Crimean-Tatar pupils).   Nowadays the Crimean Tatars are considered as a national minority, representing a national community which totals 500 thousand persons among almost two-million population of the Crimean peninsula.


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