Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

In Paradise I will be the Same close to Guardian of Orphan

27.03.2010 / 909

It is difficult to imagine, how hard it is, when there is nobody to take care of you. And when it is a defenseless, innocent child who looks at you, the adult person, with hope, with smiling, but sad eyes and searches in each your movement for something native and warm?! … The soul is broken off both from pain, and from grief, and from hatred simultaneously to those who allow suffering "live" in children's hearts and souls.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) learnt us to care about orphans and to do our best to give them warmth and care. In one of his Hadith the Messenger of Allah said, "In Paradise I will be the same close to guardian of an orphan", and then he made a sign with his index and middle fingers, having parted them.

Following the Hadith, the Association "Аlraid" defined as one of the main tasks in its charitable activity guardianship over orphans in
Crimea, including material aid, moral and spiritual education.

For the present day, guardians of more than 1000 children-orphans once in three months receive special material grant destined for acquisition of necessary things, food and medicines.

Except the material aid, children have possibility to spend their vacations in cultural-recreational summer camps, to visit various actions directed on increase of interest of children in self-realization, creative and spiritual development.

Each student by the beginning of September receives a school-bag with textbooks and school accessories that gives the chance to absorb knowledge and to develop intellectually, without differing from other fellow students.

The special department of the Association on work with orphans annually realizes the plan, considering the material, cultural-educational and spiritual constituents. Thus, the AUASO "Alraid" comprehensively promotes development of children-orphans, aspiring to give them possibility to live fully, comfortably and carefree.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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