Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

"Alraid" is Laureate of International Project "Property"

01.03.2010 / 936

The Association "Аlraid" became the winner in the nomination "Social work" of the international project "Property". The solemn ceremony took place on 21st of February, 2010, in the well-known Livadiysky palace where in the due time met the heads of the states, the members of the Yalta conference, and since 2004 take place summits of the
Yalta International Strategy.

The organizer of the project - the International Interacademic Union - carries out recognition of special merits and outstanding contributions to science, culture and art of the AR of Crimea and Ukraine – supporting and encouraging scientists, artists and social work of awards of academies, participating in the work of the

The All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations (the AUASO) "Alraid", the work of which is the most large-scale on the territory of Ukraine among other Islamic organizations was awarded for the considerable contribution to the strengthening of peace and consent in Ukraine, distribution of universal values of good and mercy, humanism, tolerance and justice, propagation of a healthy life-style and education of a high-grade personality.

The chairman of the Crimean branch of the AUASO "Alraid", Mohammed Taha, was handed an award and the certificate confirming the status of the winner. In his turn, Taha thanked the International Interacademic Union for worthy estimation of activity of the Association and its awards, and noted that sincerity and purposefulness are the major components of success of every duty. "The first quality will help to be pure throughout all the way, and the second, to finish any business to get the expected result". Then Mohammed Taha acquainted the present with the basic aspects of social work of the Association.

It is necessary to notice that the Association "Аlraid" was repeatedly awarded for the special contribution to the development of the Ukrainian society.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Alraid"


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