Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

In Crimea took place Press Conference devoted to Correct Understanding of Concept of "Jihad"

25.02.2010 / 1060

Within the limits of the project "Get acquainted with Islam without extremes and stereotypes" (originated since 2006 and realized till nowadays by the "Alraid" Association) in Crimea was carried out a press conference with participation of the chairman of Crimean branch of the AUASO "Аlraid",  Mohammed Taha, his assistant, the well-known Islamic ideologist in Ukraine, Seyran Arifov, and the assistant to the Mufti of Crimea, Ayder Ismailov.

The issue of the military-political concept of Islam and understanding of a word "jihad" became the discussion topic of the conference.

Opening the press conference, Mohammed Taha addressed to representatives of  mass-media with an opening address which accented on necessity of carrying out of similar meetings as they give chance to discuss the urgent problems which demand a correct explanation firsthand in the course of the dialogue.

In his turn, the People's Deputy of Ukraine, the assistant to the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean-Tatar people Refat Chubarov noted a role of journalists in informing the society by the authentic and confirmed information, without causing at people phobia taking into account incorrectly described events.

Passing directly to the topic of the meeting, Seyran Arifov expressed his concern that frequently the word "jihad" is given absolutely wrong explanation, contradicting its correct sense. "Unfortunately, modern mass-media quite often try to present a word "jihad" in the meaning of "the holy war", whereas actually there is no such concept in Shariat."Jihad"- (from the Arabic. جهاد – "the effort", the inquiry) means diligence or attempt to correct something for the better. In general there are distinguished several kinds of jihad, the highest of which is the struggle against weaknesses of one's soul", Arifov explained.

As he said, "jihad" - as a military operation, is conducted because of protection of the land and faith. "Nowadays we can observe similar actions in Palestine where the people wage war with the invaders who encroached on their lands. Scholars name such "jihad" as defensive, and in this case it can be treated as "struggle for Faith", that is protection of their territory, religion and honor".

Having summed the press conference up, Mohammed Taha assured the present that Islam bears in it peace and well-being, calls to treat everyone constrainedly and tolerantly, without looking on race or confessional accessory, and was sent to learn a man to be obedient before his Creator and the Lord of all existing on this earth.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Alraid"


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