One of these days Muslims of all over the world honored the memory of one of the greatest people, the instructor of the Almighty on the Earth, the Prophet of His religion, the governor of the Islamic state founded more than 1400 years ago. Al-Isra wа Al-Miraj is only one of events of life of the Prophet, full with instructive lessons and examples for the whole mankind.
Taking an opportunity, the Spiritual Management of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" together with Association "Аlraid" held a cultural-educational seminar in Donbass in the mosque of the city of
The Mufti of the Spiritual Management, Said Ismagilov, acquainted the visitors with the significant event, having mentioned the history of the Overnight Journey of the Prophet. "This night Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was transferred to
It is necessary to notice that in other Islamic centers across
Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"
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