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On March, 5th, in the Islamic
During carrying out of the caravan the lectures were read by the Mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Ummah" – Said Ismagilov, Imams and heads of the Islamic Cultural Centers of Donetsk and Lugansk – Hamza Isa and Muhammad Al-Ustaz, Rustam Husnutdinov and Rinat Habibutdinov, the head of the Female Department on Donbass, Tanzila Isa, Imams and chairmen of local Muslim religious communities.
Lugansk – On February, 18th, in the Cathedral mosque of the city with assistance of the Muslim community "Salam" there gathered about 200 persons. The action started after carrying out of a Friday prayer with greetings of the chairman of "Salam" community, Seyfulla Rashidov, and the chairman of the branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" in Donbass, Hamza Isa. Then the Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah", Said Ismagilov, addressed to Muslims for the purpose of reminding about high values of Islam, following the Quran and the course of life of the Prophet Muhammad.
Makeyevka – On Februar, 9th, in the assembly hall of the
Sverdlovsk – On February, 19th, in the town mosque with assistance of the Muslim community "Ihlas" there gathered about 100 persons. The action started with the words from the Holy Quran performed by the Imam of the Cathedral mosque of Lugansk, Muhammad Al-Ustaz. Towards the end of the meeting, the active workers of the local Muslim community were encouraged by thankful mentions.
Kirovsk – On February, 20th, in the
Konstantinovka – On February, 27th, in the Cathedral mosque of the town with assistance of the Muslim religious community "Rodnik" ("Spring") there gathered about 100 persons. The lectures were red by the chairman of the local Muslim community, Avez Shiraliev, and the Mufti of the RAMU "Ummah", Said Ismagilov.
Donetsk – On March, 5th, in the mosque of the Islamic Cultural Centre at active participation of the Social Organization "Al-Amal" there gathered about 250 persons. The action was opened by the performance of children's collective with the song "Talyaal Badru Aleyna". With salutatory words acted the Imams of mosques of the towns of Shahtyorsk and Snezhnoye. Then, summing up, was demonstrated the video clip which displayed the highest points of the 6th season of a religious-educational caravan.
By the site materials "Islam in Donbass"
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