Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

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24.01.2011 / 1035

Professional managers in many respects define success of a company. Only under a skilful management employees' efforts go to the necessary channel for the common cause blessing.

How effectively to operate employees? How correctly to make an annual working plan? How to carry out analysis of an activity? How to plan the working day and the working day of subordinates? These and many other things chairmen and members of executive committees of the social organizations which are a part of the AUASO "Alraid" considered at the annual seminar - training.

"Before us there is a problem to raise the level of professionalism of active workers of our organizations. With it the Association "Аlraid" differs in realization of its spiritually-educational activity. We actively introduce and we will improve all last novelties of the modern management. As an example, working out of the five years' strategic plan, preparation of specialized managers, journalists, teachers, carrying out of seminars", the secretary general of the Association Wael Alami shares achievements of "Alraid".

"The two-day seminar showed the real level of our active workers", the chairman of the Revision committee, the master in the field of management of projects, Bassel Mareii, tells. "According to the results of numerous trainings, I can firmly tell that all theoretical material is well acquired, many developed the strategic thinking, many possess leadership qualities", Mareii noted following the results of the seminar.

The active workers of the organizations remained happy with the seminar. "First of all, for myself I discovered a principle of priority, according to which problems are defined in accordance with their importance. This and many other things will help with work of the organization which is based on the report and distribution of truthful and true knowledge of Islam as a religion of magnanimity, good and mercy", the chairman of the SО "An-Nur" Tareq Sarhan shares his impressions.

Towards the end of the seminar, specially created commission discussed with chairmen of the organizations achievement in their activity, considering possible variants of improvement of the organization's work.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"

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