Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

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07.01.2011 / 924

On December, 29-30th, in the
High School of Hafiz took place an annual cultural-educational seminar for students, their parents, and also teachers and tutors.

In the first day in a prayer room of the school gathered about 20 teenagers whom the Imam and Khatyb of the Islamic Social Centre of Kiev, Sheikh Imad Abu al-Rubb, told about the main reasons of problems and misunderstandings between parents, and the ways of their overcoming and decision. The Sheikh emphasized teenagers as during this period is built up a person's character, there is a desire to resemble their peers and copy their behavior. The main and the most important way to keep oneself and one's faith in this age, consists in a choice of a just circle of contacts. "If your friends are God-fearing and just, they will never incite you to forbidden things", the Sheikh addressed everyone sitting in the hall.

From the same day all participants of the seminar agreed to participate in the organization of Muslim teenage groups in social networks where they will invite all their friends and companions.

Except the students of the school their parents were invited to the seminar, too. The lecturers told them how properly to bring up children in their teens. A major principle which parents should follow not to be mistaken is to be the best friend of the child. "To listen to his stories as though he speaks not with the mother or the father, but with a friend, and at the right time to give a good advice. If the teenager feels fear before his parents he will try to hide everything what he does", the Sheikh summed up.

Formation of a noble person depends on correct education

Similar seminars for teenagers, aged from 14 to 18, already became traditional. They are carried out for the students of the
School of
Hafiz for the purpose of preservation of their Islamic identity, correct understanding of that period in which they are, and warningss from the possible errors peculiar to this age period.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"

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