Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

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22.03.2010 / 1063

These days Muslims of all over the world honored memory of a great man, preceptor of the Almighty on the earth, the Prophet of His religion, the governor of the Islamic state, the exemplary husband and the careful father. The life of the Prophet is full of instructive lessons and examples for the whole mankind.

Throughout the whole past week the AUASO "Alraid" together with the SMMU "Ummah" in the cities of Donbass and with the SMMC in
Crimea carried out a number of meetings devoted to the Prophet Mohammed – the mercy of the Almighty to the whole mankind.

The Mufti of the Spiritual Management, Said Ismagilov, lecturing in the Lugansk Islamic Cultural Centre on the topic "Heritage of the Prophet Muhammad. Current condition of Islam in
Ukraine", expressed his opinion that Muslims insufficiently well know the biography of the Prophet or do not practice their knowledge in the everyday life. Then the Mufti urged to read attentively books about our Prophet, after all he taught us to be fair, sincere, to see true nature of things, to be obedient to the Lord.

They were followed by the performances of the invited visitors. Interested persons could receive answers to their questions. At the end of the action children read poems about the Prophet under a sound of Nasheed (Islamic songs).

Islamic songs performed by young singers

It is necessary to notice that in other Islamic centers and mosques across
Ukraine were also conducted lessons and lectures, and Imams of mosques on Friday sermons spoke about virtues of our Prophet. So, lectures were carried out in mosques of Alchevsk, Stakhanov, Krasniy Luch, Antratsid of Lugansk area.

Mawlud in

 In Crimea Seyran Arifov gave lectures about morals and virtues of the Prophet in renewed by "Al-Raid" national Crimean-Tatar schools. Arifov addressed to students of middle classes, parents and teachers. After all, in teenage years in a person are formed spiritually-moral values which in the future become the base of the mature person.

Such actions remind all, what morals any Muslim should possess. On his example the Prophet Muhammad has shown to us a real face of the believer, his attitude to other people, external simplicity and internal spiritual riches.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"

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