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At the height of frosts when many are limited in movement, February in the "Alraid" Association was active and sportive. In the last winter month the Social Organizations which are a part of "Alraid" carried out sports competitions in the cities.
So, the Social Organization "An-Nur" organized a tournament on table tennis in the Islamic City Centre of Kiev. Despite a high concurrence, since in the competitions participated even professional tennis players, games passed in brotherly atmosphere, with smiley faces. In his interview to the Information Department of "Аlraid" the chairman of "An-Nur" Mohammed Egbariya noticed that the initial purpose of sports actions is teaching students mutual respect and unity in brotherly relations. "Certainly, as in any competitions, the game intrigue is present, but it should not be excessive, for this purpose we even organized the championship in the mosque of the centre. When the player ceases to supervise himself, he recollects where he is and how he must behave himself in the mosque. At the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) the mosque was the centre of all events. There were invited ambassadors, held meetings, educated people and even arranged competitions. Therefore, we, on opening the tournament, reminded to the participants about the role of a mosque in life of Muslims and about the corresponding behavior in this place", Egbariya added.
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The tournament passed throughout Sunday with small breaks for performance of the collective prayers. And in the evening, the finalists became known. The former champion of Yemen played with his fellow brother from Dagestan. After the game to three victories, the first appeared to be stronger. On the end of the game "the new champion" shook hands with his contender and thanked for the fine game.
Practically at the same time in Kharkov passed the championship on futsal among students. The Social Organization "Al-Manar" chose as the slogan of the competition the following words:
"The brother Muslim for his fellow brother in each place and in each country, you are his part and he is a part of you, as a soul in a body".
The vice-president of "Al-Manar" Bilal Hamza explained that for the Muslim who studies in any nonnative for him country, it is very important to feel support of his fellow brothers, they replace each other the family. "For this purpose we also carry out different actions, including sport competitions that between students there was a unity and brotherhood".
Organizers of the action remained happy with the tournament, after all, the main thing, as they said, is that the purpose was reached.
Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"
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