Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Congratulations to all Muslims with the coming of the Blessed Month of Ramadan!

01.08.2011 / 1267
The beginning of the most hot summer month of this year coincides with the beginning of the month of Muslim fast, Ramadan. Association "Аlraid" joins the recommendation of the European Council on Fatwa and Research which declared the first day of Ramadan on August, 1st, 2011.
Ramadan is a month in which God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad the last Revelation — the Holy Quran. In the course of this Holy Month Muslims are ordered to fast, "O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint" (The Holy Quran, 2:183).
Fasting for Muslims is a time of spiritual purification, getting closer to God and reconsideration of one's life. During the fast from dawn to sunset believers abstain from food, drink and intimate matrimonial relations. But the Creator warns Muslims through the Prophet, "Whoever does not abandon lying, then Allah does not need him to abandon his food and drink". Being engaged in one's daily routine, believers, at the same time, worship the Almighty, especially quiveringly, concentrating on a prayer and spiritual self-improvement.
Fasting learns to appreciate the God's gifts by which He blessed the people. Comprehension of value of simple ordinary blessings brings up more careful relation to them, and also induces to be more sensitive to the needs of millions of the deprived. During Ramadan Muslims aspire to be especially generous, and collective prayers and joint participation in good deeds rallies them, after all as it is stated in the Holy Quran, "The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil" (The Holy Quran, 9:71).
Fasting positively influences a human body; therefore Ramadan is a month of not only spiritual, but also physical purification. But if a man is sick or on the way, and also if it is a pregnant woman or a breast-feeding mother, fasting may be postponed. Those who cannot fast at all should feed the needy or to distribute alms to the deprived.
Only in Ramadan, except for the mandatory five-time prayers, Muslims in addition perform every night an individual or collective prayer – Tarawih. There is also Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet Muhammad consisting in daily reading of the Holy Quran throughout the whole Ramadan. Nowadays many Muslims adhere to it, improving their knowledge of the Holy Scripture.
Last ten days of Ramadan are the most precious for Muslims, as in one of these nights the Prophet Muhammad was sent the first revelation of the Holy Quran, and one of these nights is the Night of Greatness, which is, "The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Peace!...This until the rise of morn!" (The Holy Quran, 97:3-5). The one who stood in prayer during this Night with faith and hope for award from the Almighty will be forgiven his previous sins.
Emerging of the new moon marks the termination of the Holy Month of Ramadan and approach of Id-al-Fitr holiday (Turk. Uraza-Bayram), which ends the month of fasting. This year, according to preliminary calculations, it falls on August, 30.
Association "Аlraid" congratulates all Muslims on approach of the Holy Month and wishes strong faith, spiritual perfection and God's content!


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