Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslims of Odessa at the celebration of the 67th anniversary of victory over fascism

10.05.2012 / 1112
A delegation from the Islamic Cultural Center (ICC) in Odessa, operating at the public organization “Al-Masar” incorporated in the All-Ukrainian Association of Public Organizations (AAPO) “Alraid”, took part in the celebration ceremony devoted to Victory Day.
Celebration evens in honor of the 67th anniversary of Victory over fascism were organized by the Odessa city council. They were attended by Mr.Alexey Kostusev, Odessa major; Mr. Eduard Matviychuk, governor of the Odessa region; Mr.Nikolay Pundik, chairman of the Odessa regional council; deputies of city and regional councils, representatives from veteran and public organizations.
Odessa residents came to honor the memory of those who perished heroically in fighting for the Great Victory. City major congratulated veterans with the 9th of May, appreciated their courage and military exploit in times of the Great Patriotic War, and wished health to veterans and their families.
ICC members took part in the ceremony of laying garlands on the memorial to Unknown Sailor in the Avenue of Glory, and attended the celebration parade with participation of Great Patriotic War veterans, officers of the three categories of Military Forces of Ukraine, students of higher military schools and military lyceums.
Also, the AAPO “Alraid” sent congratulation telegrams to the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, to a number of government institutions ad public organizations, in where they ask the Most High to send peace and security to the Ukrainian people, and protect them from evil.


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