Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Activists from women organizations learn to work in conflict situations

07.05.2012 / 930
Islam teaches one to build up relations based on respect and trust, as in whichever undertaking they occur, it will end up successfully. But this is yet to be learnt. Joint work implies variety of opinions. It is worth to defend your opinion by all means, when it seems to you to be the best one for the efficient work, or you should rather listen to other’s opinions?
An answer on this question was sought for on April 28-29 within Lugansk Islamic Cultural Center, at the seminar “Conflict management”, organized for activists of women departments. Islam granted woman the right for preserving her identity, by setting up mechanisms for implementing her inner potential without any harm for family and social life, in keeping with her high status of “the one encouraging to religion”.
The Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be on him) taught his followers the way of dealing with difficult and conflict situations by his own example. Mr. Ustaz Muhammad, imam of the Lugansk Central Mosque, spoke about best ways of applying the Prophet’s lessons in life of contemporary Muslims.
This theme was followed up in the lecture of Sheikh Seiran Afirov, director of hafiz school, master of Shariah sciences, who spoke about patience, tolerance, disagreement and their permissible limits. Taking the example from life of the Last Messenger (may peace and blessings be on him), he told about ethics of disagreement in Islam, as it is important not only to assure one in your rightness, but also to convey your thought to a listener, not offending or humiliating him/her.
The report by Mrs. Olga Fyndak “To what must the caller aim?”, which followed, gave the audience a next chance to carefully analyze their relations with themselves and all around them.
At the second day of training, the participants cold apply the acquired knowledge in practice, by simulating several conflict situations. This exercise could clearly demonstrate everybody the need of team consolidation, mutual understanding, mutual care and respect, and constant self-development.


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