Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Heartily Heating Homes

09.01.2020 / 27

Over 35 tons of coal were distributed among the needy Muslims of Kherson region under the auspices of CSUAUA “Alraid”. The aid was provided in terms of cooperation with a German charitable fund Muslimehelfen.

It took the volunteers several days to deliver packs of coal to the homes of needy Muslims. In the village of Novooleksiivka near the administrative border with Crimea, there’s a large Crimean Tatar community, and some of those people need welfare assistance. Besides, the village isn’t connected to a gas line, meaning that the villagers rely on coil, wood and electricity for heating. Thus, local needy Muslims highly appreciate such aid during the heating season.

That benefit wasn’t the first of its kind. Last winter, Novooleksiivka Muslims also received coal, yet this year they increased both the amount and the product range, having added firewood (about 30 tons of firewood were distributed as well). We would like to thank the local Imam, Mr.Usein Tokhlu, and the local volunteers who helped in loading and delivering coal and firewood to the local Muslims’ homes.


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