Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

In Simferopol ICC took place all-Crimea Competition of Muslim Culinary Specialists

17.03.2011 / 1148

On February, 19th, in the Islamic Cultural Centre "Аlraid" of
Simferopol took place the competition of culinary specialists among women. More than 30 participants exposed real culinary "masterpieces" on jury court, what pleasantly surprised organizers and visitors. "It is joyful to note high activity of participants and that even our sisters who are above 70, brought their batches too: boiled cakes, qurabie, sheker qyyiq, burma and other products", organizers of the competition told to "Islam in Ukraine".

It is worth mentioning that some confectionery products were brought from Sovietskiy (90 km from
Simferopol), Alushta (40 km), Bakhchisarai (30 km). So this competition may be considered as the all-Crimea.

In the conference hall there was the real holiday. Over 120 women and more than 50 children were visitors and participants of the action.

The chairman of the female department of the AUASO "Аlraid", Fatime Amrullueva, after a greeting asked to act the children's department, namely group "Habibullah" (loved by Allah). The group showed the concert program. A lot of interesting children spoke and sang to the adult, having forced them to cry and to laugh. And when children sang "salawat", they went to the hall to visitors and unexpectedly gifted one clove to elderly sisters (which were hidden behind their backs), and this caused tears of pleasure on their eyes. Pleasure tears that the young generation respects and honors seniors, and receives high moral education in the bosom of Islam.

As to results of the culinary competition, its winners were declared right after the concert program. The first place got a cake "The Way to truth" by Fatima Suleymanova from Sovietskoye. The second place got a cake "Dream" by Akime Reshitova from
Simferopol. The third place got a cake "Exotic" by Zera Asanova from

According to organizers, "The competition appeared to be very serious and interesting, and the most important thing – tasty". The program ended with eating of all prepared sweets. Really, nothing eaten remained, and it means that all participants of the competition occupied prize-winning places. Very many visitors thanked organizers for this action. Competition took place and the holiday has gone right.

Staff reporter.


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