Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

Why do we carry out Day of Memory of Prophet's Birth?

26.02.2011 / 981

On the occasion of memory of birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in
Odessa cultural department of the AUASO "Аlraid" together with the SО "Almasar" was held a spiritually-cultural seminar.

This day all lectures of the seminar were devoted to the great Prophet of all worlds and peoples – Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, – as an example of the loving husband and father, the noble instructor, the wise commander and the fair governor.

Why we devote this day to the memory, we hold meetings, we gather for lessons? Interested persons could find answers to these questions, having listened to the seminar lectures.

The Prophet, as any person, left this world, but his presence always stays among believers who follow his noble Sunna. The Messenger of Allah was sent as a blessing for the worlds and the people to establish the holy word of the Almighty on the earth, to transfer his message and to teach people to be guided by it.

The Prophet has shown by his behavior as his follower should behave in the family and in the society, with natives and aliens, friends and captives, the poor and the rich, the educated and the ignoramus. He left the universal doctrine for the followers, having explained all religious and vital questions.

Summing up the seminar, it was possible to draw a conclusion that the answer cannot be received from the extraneous person. Its real place is in the heart of each person, and only to him and the Almighty is known its essence and intention.

And memory of his birth helps us to reflect: whether we are on his way or whether we follow his Sunna?

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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