Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

Beneficial Vacation: in Crimea took Place Summer Camp for Orphans

17.07.2010 / 981

The best children's rest on vacation is, undoubtedly, a summer camp. It is associated with fires, fascinating games, acquaintances with new friends and the sea of emotions, remembrances about which for many years warm a soul. And what to say about orphan children, for them these are the impressing and unforgettable moments of childhood which annually aspires to gift them the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" on which guardianship are more than 1000 orphans.

From the first minutes of the joint rest it was possible to feel warmth and happiness of children. Their eyes and smiles said that they looked forward to the long-awaited rest. The camp whirled with a cheerful roundabout: morning exercises, games, entertaining program, creative and informative lessons about Islam.

The main aim, by which the organizers lived throughout the camp, was to gift to children knowledge which will be useful in the further: the pillars of Islam and faith, the importance of prayer performance, the Quran reading, morning and evening remembrances of Allah. Practical training brought huge benefit, after all as it was observed, children learnt to make ablution, to pray, to say dua (supplication) before and after meal. Pleases that children actively participated in the camp everyday life, showing punctuality in the program observance.

Punctuality in observance of the fivefold prayer

Throughout a week, the leaders aspired to teach children to be responsible, to show care and to work in collective. For this purpose more than 80 children were divided into 7 groups, each of which for one day incurred duties to organize rest for the others. Persons on duty of the camp had to wake everybody for the Morning Prayer, to cover tables during meal, to prepare the evening entertaining program.

Lessons on the Quran reading

The important role in the camp life was given to sports. Every day started with morning exercises, and in the evening the leaders together with the children played football or went to sea.

Work of the tutors can be described by one hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) where the Messenger of Allah said, “In
Paradise I will be the same (close) to the trustee of an orphan".

Children with huge desire promised to wait for the next meeting, and it will surely take place, God wills, but a year later.

Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"


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