Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

Culture Department of AUASO "Alraid" Conducted Seminar for Teachers of Sunday Schools

13.11.2009 / 900

Sunday schools at Islamic Centers every year become more and more popular among students of high schools and simply those wishing to study the far Arabic language, interest of Ukrainians to which constantly increases.The quantity of demands in days of documents receiving exceeds possibilities of schools several times, and those who managed to enter, are restricted in classes in the absence of necessary places. But it is not so terrible, assure teachers. Pleases the fact that only Kiev Sunday School "An-Nur" received about 250 new students – and these are 6 groups of the first level. In total across
Ukraine operate 43 schools, and the quantity of students in the new educational year exceeded 1000 persons.

"We are glad to such a stream of interested persons and we are assured that our schools  still have big and not yet opened potential. Imagine, 10 years ago at schools studied about 20-25 persons, and now this number increased to 1000. For these years we reached a lot, nowadays we have several classes in each centre, teachers who constantly improve their qualification, - the head of the department of development of the All-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Alraid" Shadi Otman says, - But nevertheless we started to face some difficulties which we try to overcome in the deadlines. For example, we feel shortage of teachers and at once we try to deal with this question. We search for suitable teachers and we organize for them special seminars where they learn specificity of teaching of Arabic for Ukrainians".

Alaiddin Al-Gharbawi, the director of the Crimean centre for studying of the Arabic language "Sibaweyh" is one of those who has wide experience of teaching of the Arabic language. In the course of several years he developed a special program for students of schools. As he said, this program may be used by all interested persons of the post-Soviet territory. Also he is the author of a special course for teachers. One of such seminars took place in one of these days in
Kiev. In the seminar participated about 50 teachers from different regions of
Ukraine. The seminar passed in a training kind where participants actively entered discussion, divided to groups, acted in a role of students.

"There a few of such seminars in the course of year, - Al-Gharbawi noted, - where we consider all educational process, difficulties which we face, and also we improve the qualification and professionalism by means of various methods", the lecturer stated.

Informational department of the AUASO "Alraid"


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