Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Official Now: Sentianivka Has Its Very Own Mosque

14.08.2020 / 23

Sentianivka Muslim community of 500 now has its very own mosque. A house and the premises of 25 decares of land in Sentianivka, Luhansk region, were bought for the local community through the offices of Association “Alraid”.

The problem of lack of place for worship was voiced by a local imam when people from “Alraid” brought grocery packs to their community for distribution among the needy families. They decided to help, found a property suitable for the purpose, and the Association began their search for sponsors.

Two weeks ago, the paperwork was done, and the local Muslims began working on the building and the premises.

Last week, “Alraid” delegates came to visit Sentianivka once again, to check on the new House of Allah being reequipped. The building has a favourable location near the road, and the premises are large enough to accommodate a bigger building in the future.

As of today, the Muslims of Sentianivka are working on another project: they are planning to make either a well or a wellbore on the premises of the mosque, near the road, so that both the community and passers-by regardless of their faith can have access to fresh drinking water in a region with irregular water supplies.


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