Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Join the Fundraiser for Printing Children’s Book “Muhammad and You”

27.04.2020 / 12

Ukrainian Muslimahs League is calling for everyone willing to join the fundraiser aimed at printing the first-ever Ukrainian children’s book about Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him! This illustrated edition is meant for free distribution at RAMU Umma mosques. If you want to make a donation (any sum you find reasonable), please follow the link and pick the “Kids Book Muhammad & you” in the “Destination of donation” menu.

Author of the book, Ms.Alina Martynova, is well-known to many of you as the author of the children’s stories published in “Arraid” newspaper. Her family, originally from Donbas, became Internally displaced persons now residing in Lviv, and volunteering in their free time.

Idea of the book first came out a year and a half ago. Having discussed it with the Head of the UML, Ms.Martynova got to work, and in 6 month the text was ready. The book tells the story of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in a way that makes it interesting for children of elementary-school age, explaining who the prophet had been as a person and as a Messenger of God, and why he had become the great example to follow for every generation of Muslims.

Ms.Tetiana Yushyna, an illustrator, read the text and was excited by its simplicity and clarity, so she made her input in the cause and did the illustrations.

As of today, the book is ready for print, and the only thing standing in it’s way to implementation is the lack of money. As soon as we raise UAH 41,000 (about USD 1,500), the publishing house we work with is ready to print the first edition of 2,500 copies.

Let’s make this present for our children and our little brothers and sisters in faith in view of the Holy Ramadan, and raise the necessary funds!

By the way, after the book is published, we plan to publish it’s e-book version for free download as well, so that little Ukrainian-speaking Muslims from all over the world can get a copy!


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  • Arabmir
  •  "Alraid" Halal Certification and Research Center
  • Informational arabic portal about Ukraine
  • Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE)
  • Islam in Ukraine
  •  Islam without extrems & stereotypes
  • The Crimean Tatar Issue
  • International support organisation
  • Islam for all