Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

This Year’s International Students Gathering is to be Held at Kyiv ICC! Welcome!

25.04.2019 / 31

Join the Annual International student gathering in Ukraine! This year, it is held in the yard of Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre, so we kindly invite you to come on Friday, 26 April, 14:00 to 17:00, to 25a Dehtiarivska Str! We have coffee, oriental sweets, souvenirs, and a stage where student of different ethnicities can represent their culture.

The Gathering is held for international students who came to Ukraine for achieving a University Degree, in order to bring the importance of higher education to the public domain. We aim to provide the international students with the opportunity to better understand Ukraine, get to know the locals and represent their own culture, too.

The organizers’ goal is to give international students a sense of global brotherhood, a better understanding of the world and its system, status and needs of their own countries, Islamic values, culture and history, and the need to be tolerant towards people of other cultures. They are also given a chance to develop better organisational and communication skills, and, after they’ve completed their education and gotten their degree, return home as ambassadors of the global human civilization.

Reference note:
That initiative is held in honour of 1955 Bandung Conference (Asian-African Conference). In April 1955, representatives from twenty-nine governments of Asian and African nations gathered in Bandung, Indonesia to discuss peace and the role of the Third World in the Cold War, economic development, and decolonization.

The core principles of the Bandung Conference were political self-determination, mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, and equality. These issues were of central importance to all participants in the conference, most of which had recently emerged from colonial rule. The governments of Burma, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka co-sponsored the Bandung Conference, and they brought together an additional twenty-four nations from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Because the decolonization process was still ongoing, the delegates at the conference took it upon themselves to speak for other colonized peoples (especially in Africa) that had not yet established independent governments. The delegates built upon the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, worked out in negotiations between India and China in 1954, as they sought to build solidarity among recently independent nations.

This year, similar International student gatherings are to be held in 91 cities of 51 countries.


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