What is, frankly, the first thing that crosses your mind when you hear the offer to “meet a Dietologist”? Something like “finally there’s someone to tell us what we should eat in order to lose weight”, right? Wrong! For the dietologist’s first and foremost task is to teach people how to eat healthy. Thus, consulting a Dietologist is first and foremost a matter of health. So, in order to save time from having to bust that stereotype, Ms.Vira Khorunzha, a General Practitioner and a Dietologist, announced in advance that the meeting on 16 February would be about health.
In justice to the Muslimahs, they appreciated that approach and prepared to make the most of the event. They were so determined that they even voted to basically skip the coffee break: everyone just grabbed their tea or coffee and cookies and returned to the lecture hall. That was where they had an opportunity to see that Ms.Khorunzha’s ideas weren’t only theoretical, but practical: true to the idea that sweets weren’t good after 15:00, the doctor clung to her drinking water, which didn’t go unnoticed, and caused even more respect: the women saw that the lecturer not only preaches those rules, but follows them religiously herself.
The lecturer spoke about the basic principles of balanced nutrition meant to help overcome the chronic fatigue, reduce the risks of oncology and cardiovascular disorders, and yes, that healthy metabolism would eventually lead to normalisation of body weight.
What to eat and when to eat it, how to know your daily need for liquids and best diet for one’s specific activities were discussed among many other things, so the event lasted much longer than planned: the number of questions asked after the presentation was over was just overwhelming.