Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Odesa Muslimahs Add “Prolonged Charity” to Their Usual Activities

28.04.2018 / 148

For Odesa Muslims, the past two weeks were active as ever: they paid 4 visits to the Orphanages, 1 visit to the local office of the Ukrainian Blind Association and 1 visit to the Psychiatric Ward.

But they were novelties, too: the volunteers introduced a new practice of “prolonged charity” (“sadaqah jariyah”) to their routines. They’ve already bought 113 chickens for two single mothers (one of whom is a widow) so that the women could breed the birds and have both the rationing improvement for their family (with fresh eggs and chicken), but also a small business to support their family i the future. Odesa Muslims are considering a possibility of buying a goat and some chickens for another single mother with financial difficulties, so that she can improve both the ration of her children and their financial situation.

On 26 April, Odesa Muslimahs also participated in a Charity Auction initiated by “Vitryla Nadiyi” (Ukr. “Sales of Hope”), with the funds raised at the Auction (UAH 13,434 and UAR 100) to be spent on Infusion Pumps for the local Children’s Oncohematology Department. The works that were auctioned had been donated by both the young Muslims, the young Psychiatry patients and the little Oncohematology patients themselves.


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