Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

“Feed the Hungry”: Kharkiv Muslims Warmed the Needy With Hot Meals

15.12.2017 / 1491

Having a hot meal with tea or coffee is something that one especially appreciates in winter. Perhaps everyone living in countries where it’s cold in winter, knows that feeling of going home after a long day of work or study (or both) and thinking about how you’ll heat the kettle and have a hot supper, put on your favourite sweater or wrap yourself in your beloved warm plaid… Everyone — except for those who have no home awaiting for their return. Those who lost their home due to some misfortune can only dream of spending the evening like that, and even getting hot meals is no easy task.

So on 12 December volunteers from Kharkiv Islamic Cultural Centre decided to hold a benefit they called “Feed the Hungry” and deliver hot meals (boiled buckwheat, meat cutlets and salad). Besides, they donated warm clothes, in order to warm homeless people with both the meals and the clothes. They delivered all that to the railway station where many homeless people can always be found.

The homeless thanked the muslim volunteers and wished them all the best. The Muslims, on their part, decided to hold such benefits from time to time.


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