Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

A New Muslimah’s First Steps: It’s Easier When Made Together!

03.11.2015 / 903

35 women who started observing religious prescriptions recently, along with five teachers, take part in a five-day workshop held by AUASO “Alraid” at “Svitanok” recreation facility in Kyiv region.

Participants from Kharkiv, Vinnytsya, Sumy, Odessa, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk and even Donetsk will not only have rest in one of the Ukraine’s picturesque places, but also learn the necessities, such as basis of Islam, Ghusl and Wudu, praying, and have an overview of a Muslimah’s wardrobe.

The agenda also includes Islamic ethics, the concept of “golden mean”, importance of repenting and constant self-improving, ethics of interpersonal communication, allowed and forbidden actions in dealing with the opposite sex in and out of wedlock, and some topical issues of the family life.

The organisators made sure that the guests are not overloaded with large amounts of information in short period of time, and that information itself is easy to understand. Besides, they also planned recreation hours, entertainment, cultural events, and, of course, time for communication.

The participants are to leave the recreation camp on Tuesday night.


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