In the Hijri Calendar, this Saturday, October 25, is the first day of the New Year of 1436. Crimean Tatar Community of Kyiv and AUASO “Alraid” are arranging a joint spiritual and cultural event at Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre. Besides, a themed kids’ programme is to begin at 1 PM. Both events are open to the public, everybody is welcome!
The main programme is to begin at 4 PM, right after the Asr prayer, at the ICC Conference-Hall (4th floor). We’ll start it with dua’ for peace, security, prosperity and welfare of our Homeland; for safety of our compatriots in the occupied Crimea and in Donbass taken hostage by the terrorists.
It bears reminding that the Muslim Calendar begins at the first lunar year of Hijrah — resettlement of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to Medina from Makkah.
We propose several lectures for your consideration, covering the following topics: “What is Hijrah for a modern Muslim?”, “Prophet Muhammad's resettlement prehistory”, “Patriotism and love for Homeland, from the very first Muslims to modern times”.
You can also watch our meeting online at our “Islam in Ukraine” YouTube Channel live broadcast (In Ukrainian and Russian).