This feast not only teaches us to rely on God in everything, but also to be attentive and merciful for those nearby. To extend a helping hand to people who found themselves in hard life situation.
Our country has been through a huge challenge this year: we have to repulse the attack from abroad. And this is a common problem. It appeals not only to the people of annexed Crimea or ruined Donbass — it appeals to everybody. And if the Lord tries those people with the loss of their close ones, their property, their safety and the slightest confidence in future, He at the same time tries us,— are we eager to live the values we declare? Are we willing to stand for those values, struggle for them, sacrifice our property and our comfort?
No need to wait until the war comes to our house directly, because if we act as nothing happened and do nothing, it will. Don’t pretend that the death notification received by your neighbours is only their loss, because it was their son, husband, brother or father who sacrificed his life to protect us all.
Don’t paint all the forced resettled with the same brush for your own convenience, and leave them dealing with their problems alone. Yes, there are people who left their homes on expensive cars with their property with them — most of the refugees, however, had to leave everything behind and run for their lives. There are unthankful people among them, of course, who think that everyone owes them something — but most of them feel for Ukraine and it was their pro-Ukrainian position that made them leave their homes; they try not to bother other people and satisfy their needs alone — in a strange city, with no savings, etc.
Let’s extend a helping hand for those people! Extend a helping hand to the soldiers, both to those at the frontline and those who have to stay at hospitals because of their injuries. Not only they need full nutrition (which is not, unfortunately, provided by the State), clothing, financial aid — they need our human attention and compassion. Because it’s the most horrifying thing when the compatriots you fight and risk your life for don’t need you.
This year, we decided to give the meat of the sacrificial animals for the forcefully resettled people from Crimea and Donbass. We, however, must not limit our care and mercy for others to some special days of the year, as we ourselves hope that the Lord will send us His blessings and His mercy every second of our lives. Let’s make good deeds everyday, as much as we can. If everyone is honest in that, to oneself first of all, — only in that case we can overcome both external and internal problems of our country and make a better, fairer, happier and wealthier society.
Happy Eid, dear fellow Muslims, and God help us!