Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

We Thank Our Donors For Their Contribution In Our Blood Donorship Benefit!

30.08.2013 / 1126

Today a blood donorship benefit arranged by the “An-Noor” NGO took place at the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre Mosque.

THe facilitators highly appreciate the contribution of everybody who came having intention to share their blood with those who are badly in need for it. People came regardless the cold and rainy weather, necessity to be on a two days diet (no eggs, milk products, fat and fried dishes) and the need to leave their warm and cosy beds on Friday morning. We ask Allah Almighty to reward them with all the best both in this life and hereafter, and also reward people who either wanted to come but couldn’t do it for some important reason or came but were rejected by the doctors because of the results of preliminary examination.

We also express gratitude for the medical officers mobile team from the Kyiv City Blood Centre. They are very good, kind and sympathetic people, and it’s a pure joy to approach such doctors. We hope our cooperation lasts for many years.

We’ll publish more detailed information on the event in the nearest future; please follow our website for more information.


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