Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

“Alraid” and “Dytynstvo” signing cooperation agreement

29.04.2013 / 911

It was on April 22 that the chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations “Alraid” and Mrs. Tatiyana Suchkova, director of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Dytynstvo” (“Childhood”) signed cooperation agreement for implementing social programs and projects on creating favorable conditions for children’s artistic work and encouraging young talents through implementing the children’s social project “Festival of children’s dreams”.

Both public entities pledged to support each other in extending the dialogue of religions and cultures, understanding, tolerance, and in raising local communities’ concern about issues related with protection of children’s rights.

The agreement lays the framework for both “Alraid” and “Dytynstvo” for exchanging information and other assistance and support, to propagate universal human values, healthy way of life, to foster the morality in future citizens, to improve social protection of children, including orphans and children devoid of parents’ care.


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