Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

“Alraid” and national community of Crimean Tatars in Kiev sign Memorandum on cooperation

14.03.2013 / 869

The Memorandum on concerted effort and cooperation in joint social projects in cultural, education, religious and charity field was signed by the All-Ukrainian Association of Public Organizations“Alraid” and the Public Organization “National Community of Crimean Tatars in Kiev” on March 13, 2013.

The National Community of Crimean Tatars in Kiev (Tatar Qırımlılar Cemiyeti) is a body representing Crimean Tatars in the Ukrainian capital.  It aims to promote unity and artistic enrichment of Crimean Tatars through supporting their religious, cultural and social heritage beyond their historical homeland. It regularly organizes Crimean Tatars’ meetings for fostering the spirit of unity and supporting their authentic values and traditions.

Like “Alraid”, the National Community supports various kinds of initiatives for interactions between cultures, meant to promote peace, tolerance and respect between cultures and confessions in Ukraine.

The general meeting of the National Community of Crimean Tatars was held on February, 23, 2013, where Mr.Omer Kymyrly Aslan was elected the chairman.


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