Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Chairman of Council of Ministries of ARC Vasily Dzharty passed away

17.08.2011 / 970

The AUASO "Alraid" expresses its condolences concerning the death of the chairman of the Council of Ministries of the ARC, Vasily Dzharty, who died on the night on August, 17th, 2011, after long illness. He was operated in Moscow and then took a ten-day rehabilitation course in the Crimean resort "Gliciniya" ("Wisteria").

The late prime minister by means of his personal participation promoted strengthening of inter-confessional balance on the peninsula; he also actively aspired to resolve an issue of allocation of the land area to the Crimean Tatars who came back home from the deportation. Moreover, he worked over settlement of the situation with self-capture of the lands by achievement of the arrangements.


After Vasily Dzharty's appeal to the City Council of Simferopol, at the session on February, 15th, 2011, it almost unanimously voted for allocation of the land area for building of the Cathedral mosque, thereby having resolved long-term bureaucratic red tape on this important  issue for the Crimean Muslims . "For many long years it (the topic) was exaggerated by the politicians, but noone did not tell plainly, why the city power and councils of last convocations did not solve the issue of allocation of the land area. Crimea is a multinational society, but all ethnic groups is a part of the people of Ukraine. All without an exception have their right to the culture and creed. I am convinced; the City Council represents interests of Simferopol citizens, notwithstanding nationality.

One should not politize the situation. I am sure, the decision will be fatal as we are adjusted on creation", he stated before the voting.

Moreover, the deputies decided to give the Crimean Muftiyat an additional bonus — the City Council granted the right on working out of the project of land management on the land area allocation for creation of the planted trees and shrubs territory of the general using — parkway which is planned to be broken next to the future cathedral mosque.

And already on March, 3rd, Vasily Dzharty, together with the head of the Medzhlis, Mustafa Dzhamilyov, and the Mufti of the RAMC, Emirali Ablaev, was present on inception of the first stone of the house of Allah and a capsule with the message to the descendants.

The burial service over the late head of the Ministerial Council was read in Alexander Nevskiy's Simferopol cathedral on which building Vasily Georgievich offered in due time the large sum of money from his personal savings. Funeral will take place on Thursday, on August, 18th, in the city of Makeyevka of Donetsk area.

Both the RAMC and the Crimean-Tatar Medzhlis expressed their condolences concerning the death of the Crimean prime minister who was capable to make fair decisions without dependence from a political conjuncture and was opened for dialogue in search of mutually acceptable accommodation of interests of all people living on the peninsula. He was a believing person, attentive to the problems and needs of inhabitants of Crimea of all creeds.

The AUASO "Alraid" joins the RAMC and expresses its condolences to the family of the perished Vasily Dzharty. Muslims of Ukraine highly appreciate his contribution to elimination of bureaucratic barriers to the development of Islamic structure of the peninsula; and also to the decision of social problems of the people who came back home from the deportation.

We sincerely hope that his successor will continue weighed and balanced policy of Vasily Georgievich for the sake of maintenance of the rights and legitimate interests of all inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula.


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