Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslims express warm gratitude to guests of Ukrainian mosques in the blessed days of Ramadan

18.08.2012 / 1217
Rewards of gratitude in form of engraved diplomas were handed to sheikhs from the Egyptian Al-Azhar University and the Medina University, which were “Alraid” guests for the Holy Ramadan, on the last Friday of Ramadan at the mosque of the Islamic Cultural Center in Kiev.
Egyptian Sheikh was glad to receive his gratitude diploma in presence of Mr. Yaser Muhammad Atef Abdel Kader, Egyptian Ambassador in Ukraine, which visited the above mentioned mosque to perform Friday prayer jointly with Ukrainian Muslims.
Mr.Bassil Maree, “Alraid” Chairman, expressed his heartily gratitude before the gathering of faithful Muslims to sheikhs Muhammad Farid Al-Mursi Aldul-Al (Egypt) and Muhammad bin Ahmad Ad-Dosari (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for their good actions and zeal that they showed when leaving their families in the homeland and setting off in this blessed month of fasting and repentance to far-away Ukraine, to deliver lectures and sermons, give Koran lessons and classes, and explicate the faithful theological issues at local mosques during the whole Ramadan. The faithful were not careless listeners, as they heartily supported the worlds of gratitude to the people who had given up personal comfort, to offer Ukrainian Muslims a chance to extend their religious knowledge of Islam and enhance their spirituality.
Analogous events took place in mosques of “Alraid” cultural centers in other cities hosting experts of Islam in Ramadan. Odessa hosted guests from both Saudi Arabia (Sheikh Sami bin Saliman Al-Mashikih) and Egypt (sheikh Rabia’ ‘Awis Marzuk Wahiba). Another four guest from Al-Azhar stayed in Ramadan in Ukrainian cities, namely, Sheikh Ramadan Abdul-Muhsin Faraj Said in the city of Kharkov; Sheikh Mustafa Abdul-Aziz Abdullah in Vinnitsa; Sheikh Tarik Hafni Muhammad Hafni in Simferopol, and Sheikh Abdulhalak Abdul-‘Al Abdurrahim Halil in Donetsk.
Impressions about Ukrainian Muslims
It’s not  for the first time that the AAPO “Alraid” invites theological scholars from leading world universities; it has already been a good tradition. Mr. Yaser Muhammad Atef Abdel Kader, Ambassador of Egypt, which is obliged to keep contact with all the coming sheikhs since the beginning of this practice because of his functional responsibility, says that Ukrainian Muslims produced rather favorable impression on Egyptian theological scholars. 
When Ambassador shared impressions that he had heard from the sheikhs, he said: “Ukrainian Muslims stand out by their kindness, open heart, curiosity, eagerness to seek for religious knowledge; but the most important thing is that they do not disintegrate themselves from the society, being its harmonious part. Ukrainian Muslims have impressed our theological scholars by their willingness to set up good relations with the surrounding society, which can be seen from their daily practices”.  
In his wishes addressed to Ukrainian Muslims, Muhammad Ad-Dosari, Sheikh from Medina, emphasized importance of the issues related with upbringing of younger generation. He says that “it’s necessary to pay attention to young people irrespective of gender, to create the required conditions for them, to exploit their energies for their own benefit, and to take care of their spiritual purification”.


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