Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

I International Summer School of Islamic Studies opens in Crimea

11.07.2012 / 1232
I International Summer School of Islamic Studies “Islam and Muslims in Ukraine” opens today in the Islamic Center of Simferopol. Its participants are twenty young scientists and post-graduates from various regions of Ukraine.
A major part of participants are scientists whose scientific works have passed competition selection for presentation in time of the School. The School will be lasting five days, in which the participants will have opportunity to learn more about the current condition of Islam in Ukraine and beyond.
Organizers of the event are the All-Ukrainian Association of Public Organizations “Alraid”, the Youth Organization “Emel”, and the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Ukrainian Center for Islamic Studies”.
The School Program envisages presentation of reports of the participants passing through the competitive selection, on the themes concerned with Islam and the conditions of Muslims in Ukraine. In its framework lectures will be delivered for young scientists about legal schools in Islam, Shariah sources, the notion of jihad, movements in the Islamic world, and several other important issues of Islam. Lecturers will be Mr. Said Ismagilov, mufti of the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (RAMU) “Ummah”; Dr.Vyacheslav Shved, chairman of “ Ukrainian Center for Islamic Studies”; Dr. Zahid Navab, religious researcher; Seiran Arifov, master of Shariah sciences, and others.
Also, within its framework discussions and meetings with representatives of Islamic public and religious organizations, intellectual games on themes specific to Islamic studies are expected.
According to Mr.Said Ismagilov, an organizer of the Summer School of Islamic Studies, “A sounder approach to studying Islamic phenomena can be feasible only in the process of scientific discussions and studies performed by scientific community jointly with representatives of Islam. It is not correct to study the phenomenon of Islam in Ukraine or Europe without taking consideration of opinions coming from Muslims. A more comprehensive and sound picture can be produced only by way of a tolerant scientific discussion. An advantage of this school is that independent scientists can offer and withstand their opinion, whereas representatives of Muslims can speak out their ideas, offer advice or explicate aspects of Islam”.


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