Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Meeting of Active Workers of Mosques and Communities of Donbass

13.01.2012 / 1012
On January, 7th, 2012, in a mosque of the Donetsk Islamic cultural center the meeting of active workers of mosques and communities of Donbass took place. Among 55 participants there were Imams of mosques and representatives of Muslim communities of such settlements of Donetsk and Lugansk areas, as: Donetsk, Makeyevka, Torez, Snezhnoye, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk, Shahtyorsk, Lugansk, Stakhanov, Kirovsk, Krasniy Lucn, Bryanka, Gorlovka, Anthracite, Alchevsk and Sverdlovsk.
Having opened the meeting by reading of the Holy Quran, the organizers presented to the participants the plan of teamwork developed by the Donbass branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" in 2012. 
Naturally, no any planning is impossible, until the results of activity of the organizations for the last period are visible. The participants watched a slide show about the work done by Donbass branch of the AUASO "Аlraid" for 2006-2011. Moreover, each of communities reported on their achievements for 2011. 
For years of activity the Association became rather influential, having gained trust of private and state persons. One of its achievements is that its activity finds support at the authorities. The success of the organization is explained by the principles of its work.
The Association, including in the name of its structural divisions, aspires to observe such parity between educational and charitable activities that the second was a component and an implementer of the first.
For this reason in the aforementioned settlements the communities of Muslims try to prove to be from the best party: help the city, orphanages, organize Sabbatarians; moreover, lessons for children are conducted, summer camps of rest for children and women are organized; meetings in mosques are arranged. This activity does not remain without attention of mass-media: newspapers write about them, and also representatives of communities are invited on regional TV channels.
Problems of some communities, such as low activity of Muslims and absence of their participation in public life of the settlement, and also low attendance of a Friday prayer were considered, too. However, in it there is a moment of encouragement, after all the majority of Muslims, who still visit collective prayers and try to be active members of the community are youth and children.
The participants of the congress discussed these and other existing problems, and also confirmed the plan on their overcoming. They also defined the methods: except cultural and educational actions, aiming at acquaintance with Islam of followers of other faiths for mutual understanding and teamwork improvement for the society blessing, and also creation and strengthening of partner relations with authorities and local government, huge volume of work inside the community itself is planned, too.
Preservation of family and youth education is contribution to the future
Following the results of the discussion, the decision to expand cultural and educational work among Muslims was accepted. It is necessary to take care of preservation of values of Muslim families in the modern society with its temptations and all-permissiveness; preservation of faith, traditions and worthy education of rising generation. Also a number of actions directed on formation at youth of more responsible relation to such important step, as a choice of spouse and family creation is planned, too.
Moreover, the increase of quantity of Sunday schools, various competitions on knowledge of Islam and culture of the Muslim people, sports competitions, competitions of readers of the Holy Quran, organization of camps of rest for children and youth are planned.
For rising generation creation of additional clubs of Islamic youth is planned, too. Their quantity will be increased up to seven. Moreover, once in two months there will be carried out an all-Donbass club, and also seminars and lectures. Except cultural and sports actions, the participants of the club will be encouraged to collective observance of fast, regular visiting of a Friday prayer, and participation in Sabbatarians.
For increase of educational level and improvement of physical form of the believers, at each community creation of libraries and gyms equipped with all necessary is planned.
The organizers of the action thank all who responded to the invitation, attended and took active part in the work of the congress for the blessing of the Muslims of Donbass, and the society as a whole.
Staff reporter


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