SN: Mutual Understanding Bridge
Even more often we face side by side a different, alien for us, way of life, thoughts or actions which differ from our own. How should we behave in that case? With big misunderstanding and disapproval or aspiration to follow principles of humanity, tolerance and toleration.
"SN" led a discussion with Ismail Kadi, the chairman of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" to learn about view of Islam on the question which interests us.
About Association
-Mr. Kadi, share main principles by which you are guided in activity of your organization.
-Let me start with mentioning the fact, that in the Holy Quran, the Holy Scripture of Muslims, the appeals to the man, namely, to think, to reflect, to investigate and carefully to consider his steps on the way of search for truth, in other words, to be in constant search of truthful knowledge. At the same time important cautions are made: in search of knowledge it is necessary to be aware of their use for achievement of the worldly purposes and the most important thing – never to evade from Oneness of God.
The activity of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid" is connected with the report to the Ukrainian society of the truthful information on Islam, and also adjustment of fruitful inter-religious dialogue, organization of its work in accordance with these principles .
-What main message you aspire to inform the Ukrainian society?
-We aspire to inform the citizens of
About humanity
-What is humanity of Islam?
-I think, you agree that God gave to each person life, dignity, honor, property. He created all people, and this factor is uniting for the whole mankind. If not to pay attention to individual qualities as mind or abilities of a man, all people are equal and there are no any bases for distinctions between them to such signs as nationality, color of skin or other differences.
Hence, to any person, irrespective of his creed, it is forbidden to oppress other people – first of all, women, children, old men, sick and weak. Honor and chastity of a woman should be respected under any circumstances. Starving should be fed. Nude - dressed. Wounded men and patients should receive medical aid irrespective whether they are Muslims or not, whether they belong to an Islamic community or concern other communities, and in a wartime, even if from among enemies.
Each ordinary Muslim or an official, asserting that he is a Muslim, is equally obliged to recognize and carry out these rights implicitly. After all these are instructions of Islam.
About Stereotypes
-Unfortunately, sometimes we hear incorrect statements towards Islam that leads to formation of prejudices and deformed stereotypes among people.
-Sometimes it is very unpleasant for me to hear, when mass-media absolutely incorrectly discloses events connected with Muslims. I understand that from outside it is difficult for a man to penetrate into the essence of Islam from the beginning, I mean, in this case, journalists. But at the same time employees of mass-media should show tolerance, to be neutral in material giving. After all, who as not them should know that they practically form understanding of the audience?
On the other hand, because of acts of separately taken persons millions subsequently suffer. That somewhere someone carried out an act of terrorism or took hostages, being sheltered behind Islam, actually, is nothing than brutality and disbelief. It is real fanaticism which should not be connected with the Divine religion.
-What measures you undertake to show to Ukrainians the real face of Islam?
-We aim at informing the Ukrainian society the truthful and objective information on Islam and life of Muslims. With that purpose in mind "Alraid" already for many years promotes carrying out in Ukraine of scientific conferences, round tables, colloquiums, for journalists – press conferences directed on development of the Ukrainian society, on distribution in it tolerance in the religious and ethnic spheres, called to strengthen mutual understanding and solidarity between people of different creeds.
I also wish to add that the information should be scooped from authentic sources or from the people competent of a question which interests you. As an example, if I wish to buy "Shkoda" car, I will not go to learn about the car in "
About Position of a Woman
-The majority of people have an opinion that a Muslim woman is limited in her rights and possibilities. What can you tell about that?
-This is a wrong judgment. The religion of Islam grants to the woman a very high position and gives her all possibilities to live pure and substantial life. The woman, from the point of view of Islam, is a special creation of God, demanding respect and understanding. After all, the woman, first of all, is a basis of the family, and the family is a basis of any society. And durability of a society depends on a family. The family is in many respects obliged by its health to the woman.
Secondly, the woman is a mother. Unfortunately, in our realities many women plunge a head into work, vital cares and forget about their mission. Islam grants to mothers a place of honor, devotes to it not one day in a year, but every day from days of the year. In general, women play main role in education of children, they should receive maximum of attention and the best treatment.
-And still, for example, in some Arab countries till now the woman does not have right to select or be elected on elections. Is it somehow connected with religion?
-Let us begin that Islam gives equality to all people, men and women. In the Holy Quran, the book of Muslims, it is stated accurately and clearly, "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you".
From these words we can draw a conclusion that the Holy Quran does not do any distinctions between a man and a woman and grants them the identical rights and duties. The Prophet Mohammed said about it, "All people, whether they are men or women, are equal among themselves like crest teethes".
That is, the religion in any way does not strike at the right of a woman, in her desire to make a career, or to participate in elections. This is her personal desire, but at the same time she should not forget about her main duties, education of children. If she spends all the day long on work who will raise descendants then?
-And if closer to the question?
-Really, in some Arab countries the woman has no voice on elections or cannot be elected. There are also other examples. But in this case we should divide accurately between religion and traditions. In the Arab world, especially in the
About Youth Education
-I think you agree that in early age the base to development of the high-grade person is put. What does Islam offer for this purpose?
-You noticed correctly, in youth. A basis of a healthy society is young generation. It is vigorous, mobile, and capable of changes. It is necessary to interest youth in something that energy would be directed to the necessary channel. For example, to be an active worker in a student's organization or to participate in actions. Certainly, not all are capable to be the leader, but those who have corresponding abilities, can lead the others and to be a correct example for others. In that case, the young man will be constantly busy, and evil thoughts will not come to his mind. And by the maturity, he will have the whole luggage of knowledge and skills which he needs.
-The overwhelming majority of our audience is students. I think they would be interested to learn about actions which you carry out among youth, especially students?
-First of all, we try to interest students to be active workers of student's social organizations. Our Association united in one union about twenty of them. Similar organizations propagandize a healthy way of life among youth, carry out various actions in high schools, organize cultural and sports actions.
Secondly, at our Islamic centers free schools of the Arabic language and oriental culture function. Nowadays behind school desks study about 1500 persons, mainly students. The only thing that we demand from our students is constant visiting.
Annually we hold the all-Ukraine competition of researches of Islamic studies of A.Krymskiy among young scholars. The best works of the contestants are encouraged and published in the scientific edition.
"Students Newspaper"
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