Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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17.03.2015 / 941

Mr.Abdullah Benmansour, President of Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, payed a working visit to AUASO “Alraid” on the past weekend. “Alraid” is FIOE’s one of the oldest and most active members, so the new President of the Federation expected put quite many expectations onto this visit, and his 24 hours in Kyiv were highly scheduled.

Mr.Benmansour met the AUASO “Alraid” and RAMU “Umma” administration, and also several Crimean Muslims in  order to learn the situation i Crimea and Donbass firsthand. He spoke about the European Muslims’ life after “Charlie Hebdo”, gave a lecture on opportunities women have in the society, family and with themselves.

The FIOE President was elaborated on work of AUASO “Alraid” member-organisations in terms of military invasion, and presented with action plan for the following year. The guest was very impressed when shown around “Our Future” Gymnasium at the premises of Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre: “It’s amazing how you managed to create study conditions like that in just a year! I was sure that this school has a history of about 20 years, but a split year … it’s fabulous!” — Abdullah Benmansour said.

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