Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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05.02.2014 / 971

The most productive of the charity events of the “Warmth Of Your Hands” project, facilitated by the Female Social Organisation “Noor” in order to collect warm clothing for poor people was held last week. The idea met a keen response and was widely discussed in the social networks, where the activists received a lot of questions.

As a result, many participants from a wide range of social groups were involved, namely Muslims and Christians, businessmen and students, managers and chief executives.

“It’s very sad, but we have to admit the need of popularizing acts of charity nowadays,” — one of the volunteers shared. — “We need to spread the idea that being “cool” is not about dumping one’s health with different unuseful habits, but about being a human and showing humanity.”

Three such events were held last year, and every next time there were more and more people willing to participate. Many poor families started applying for help themselves: “I want to thank to the facilitators and, of course, those people who gave us their things in good condition. We have been through hard times lately, and feeling that we aren’t alone in this world and people we don’t even know are willing to help gives us hope that everything will be fine and our problems will be gone. Because we also prefer to share something with others instead of asking something from the others.”

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