Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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21.11.2011 / 924

On the Crimean peninsula, in the town of Livadia, on November, 16-20th, took place the Хth International seminar in the course of which experts from 7 states discussed conflicts of religious identity and integration processes in the globalized world. In the course of the round table the head of the Crimean branch of the AUASO "Аlraid", Muhammad Taha, and the Master of Shariah sciences, Seyran Arifov, acted with their reports.

  Similar actions are very important for the development of scientific thought and practical application of results of researches.   "The anniversary seminar will continue traditions of scientific cooperation of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists investigating various theoretical problems, connected with the place and the role of religion in the modern society", – the head of the action, PhD, professor of chair of political sciences and international relations of the Taurian National University of V.I.Vernadsky, Tatyana Senyushkina, noticed.   In the seminar work took part more than 30 scholars from Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the USA.   The participants of the action discussed a wide spectrum of questions of modern religious studies, analyzed actual problems in the sphere of conflicts of identity and globalization processes of the present. The experts analyzed the situation of parity of these factors, developed in certain regions: in Ukraine, on Caucasus, in Privolzhsky federal district; and also influence of ideas of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qardawi on the development of Islamic theological thought.   Moreover, the topic of inter-confessional interaction for the sake of good neighborhood and parity of secular and religious aspects in the policy, culture and education was mentioned.   Within the limits of the seminar the round table "The role of religion in the modern society and state", organized by the social organization "The Center of studying of the European integration" (the Lithuanian Republic) took place.   Experts from Lithuania are recognized experts in the field of interethnic and intercultural relations – shared the acquired experience which for Ukraine is interesting by that both states have the Soviet past; and Lithuania is the member of the European Union to which Ukraine strives, too.   In the course of the round table the representatives of the AUASO "Alraid" spoke with their reports. The head of the Crimean branch, Muhammad Taha, disclosed the topic "Social organizations' role in the multi-cultural environment of Crimea", during which disclosing he told about the activity of the Association in the sphere of development of the infrastructure of the peninsula and strengthening of good neighborhood between its inhabitants of various nationalities, religions and cultures.   The head of the School of Hafiz in Crimea, the Master of Shariah sciences, Sheikh Seyran Arifov, disclosed the topic "The concept of Jihad in the authentic sources of Islam".   Problems of national and religious identity, balance and interaction in the modern world are actual, after all in each of the countries presented at the seminar live representatives of various nationalities, religions and cultures, and search of ways of peace, productive and mutually advantageous coexistence is essential for everyone.

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