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In Qatar finished its work the IXth international conference on the intercultural dialogue, which took place in the capital, Doha. Muslims of Ukraine were represented by the delegation from the AUASO "Alraid", led by the vice-president of the Association, doctor Shadi Shavir, and the head of the Religious Committee, doctor Imad Abu ar-Rubb.
During the conference which was devoted to the topic "Social networks and interreligious dialogue: new relations", throughout 3 days was discussed a number of very important themes, among which: "Rise of communication technologies, their history and development", "Importance of social networks and advantage of their use in interreligious dialogue", "Danger of communication technologies and their influence on the society", and also "Working out of religious norms and ethical rules for protection of the society against abusing social networks".
Following the results of the conference work scholars and religious figures of various faiths agreed that the dialogue is the major means of strengthening of peace and stability, and presently social networks play the major role in its development. "The idea to name the present conference “Social mass-media and interreligious dialogue” came to the organizers under the influence of "Arabian spring” and that coordinating role which played social mass-media in events which took place in the region", professor Ibrahim Saleh Al-Nuaimi, the chairman of the Doha International Center of Interreligious Dialogue (DICID) stated.
Certain groups all over the world abuse social mass-media to inflate hatred between religious communities.
For achievement of effective rapprochement and cooperation between the followers of various religious faiths at the international level conference called the Doha International Center on Interreligious Dialogue to develop the code of norms of behavior which will regulate inter-confessional dialogue in social networks.
The participants of the conference considered it necessary to develop the code of norms of behavior in social networks and to submit it to consideration to the international organizations, among which are the United Nations and UNESCO.
The former Egyptian Мufti, doctor Nasr Wasil, presented the report in which he emphasized aspiration of Islam to interreligious dialogue. "Islam recognizes importance of communications and interaction between different societies", he stated. "The base upon which all divine religions are based, is the faith in the Only God, hence, all of us are responsible for keeping in touch on the basis of mutual respect for the good of mankind to which all of us belong", the minister stated. The conference also urged youth to put forward the ideas and offers on improvement of interreligious mutual understanding and cooperation in public, spiritual and other spheres of life. 242 religious figures took part in the conference, among which there were the Muslims, the Jews and the Christians from more than 60 countries of the world.
Staff reporter
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