Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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11.03.2013 / 1127

The International Women’s Conference “Traditional Values and Contemporary Challenges” will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2013, in the conference hall (the first floor) of  the Islamic Cultural Center in Kiev  (address: 25a, Degtyaryovskaya str., Kiev, Ukraine). You will be offered a new discussion format, practical advice to deal with burning daily issues, conversations with participants from other countries. You are welcome!

The event is open: entrance is free for both women and men, as representatives of the sterner sex will discover a lot of interesting and useful information.

Issues for discussion are burning and vital. They include settlement of family conflicts and preservation of family from break off; effective ways to combine jobs with family matters; adoption of a child in keeping with the Ukrainian legislation and the norms of Shariah; providing for happy childhood to one’s children; participation in volunteer programs as a means for community development.  

Also, each one will be allowed to select and take with him/her free printed matter drawing his/her interest, discuss reports or just talk to each other during tea breaks where tea and sweets are served.

Adult participants will be able to leave children to tutorial care in the Islamic Cultural Center mosque, in order to concentrate on the discussion.

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