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Organization of cultural and education seminars for women has become a good tradition for the All-Ukrainian Association of Public Organizations (AAPO)“Alraid”. The year of 2012 is not an exception, as this year seminar was held on 3-9 July in the settlement of Nikolayevka (Autonomous Republic of Crimea) with organizing support from the “Alraid” Department on Women and Family Matters and the Women Public Organization “Mariyam”. It was focused on the Koranic ayah: “And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited, and remember the favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren …” (Koran, 3:103).
The seminar camp hosted nearly 60 women from various Ukrainian cities, Moldova and Syria.
Muslim women were striving to perfect themselves and enhance their religious learning. To have these objectives implemented, the seminar program included daily lectures, religious exhortations and talks, lessons of Koran etc. Learning and communications were permeated by the spirit of mutual support and assistance in overcoming the difficulties faced by Muslim women in the contemporary non-Muslim society.
The series of lectures on tajwid (rules of Koran reading) was delivered by Mrs. Rima, an invited lecturer from Syria, who showed the participants the incredible beauty and refinement of the language of Divine Message to humans, by explicating its reading nuances. Meanwhile, her disciples, staying far away from household matters, were trying their best to learn meaningful words of the Koran by heart and read it in the best possible manner.
They were studying Surah “Al-Imran” which ayahs (from 101 to 112 and from 133 to 140) say about justice of the Most High to all the humans, both godly and godless ones, and about His reward and punishment. Warnings about the imminent Judgment Day, importance of God remembrance and strengthening the Muslim identity of each of the participants proved to be rather sobering in this context.
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