Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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20.01.2012 / 1136
Therefore, except the decision of organizational questions, the school principal, Bilal Hamze, and parents of students listened to performances of small lecturers which reminded the gathered about the whole galaxy of great Muslim scientists.
Children chose topics of their researches: when organizers declared about carrying out of the conference, all interested persons were defined with the direction which interested them, and then coordinated the topic of work with the organizing committee. Thus, each child investigated biography and works of the scientist, the sphere of whose scientific work is crossed with his vital interests and plans for the future. Schoolboys not just learned set of interesting information on the contribution of Muslims to science development, but also everyone found a vivid example for imitation for himself personally; the role-model.
Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Haysam al-Basri (965-1039), known in Europe under the name of Alhazen, thanks to his outstanding abilities held in native Basra the post of vizier, however, his love to science induced him to leave this post and to be engaged only in science. Ibn al-Haysam combined in his scientific occupations careful experiments with strict mathematical proofs. Quite often he is called "the father of optics". He wrote a set of valuable compositions and treatises on mathematics, optics and astronomy. In honor of this scientist the crater on the Moon is named.
Abu Rayhan Biruni (973-1048), the great scientist from Khoresm, the author of numerous works on history, geography, philology, astronomy, mathematics, geodesy, mineralogy, pharmacology, geology, etc. Biruni knew almost all sciences of his time. The posthumous list of his works complied by his pupils, took 60 pages. Except for his mother tongue, Khoresmi, Biruni spoke Arabic, Persian, Greek, Latin, Turkish, Syrian, and also Hebrew, Sanskrit and Hindi. He established an angle of slope of ecliptic to equator, calculated radius of Earth, described change of coloring of the Moon at lunar eclipses and a solar crown at solar eclipses.
Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (980-1037), the Tadjik philosopher and doctor, known in Europe as Avitsenna, was the court doctor of Samanide emirs and Daylemite sultans, for some me time he worked as a vizier in Hamadan. In total he wrote more than 450 works in 29 areas of science. Ibn Sina differed with infallible memory and thought sharpness. He wrote a considerable quantity of encyclopedic works, one of which, "Healing Book" ("Kitab al-Shifa"), is devoted to logic, physics, biology, psychology, geometry, arithmetic, music, astronomy, and also metaphysics.
Mirza Mohammed ibn Shakhrukh ibnTimur Ulugbek (1394-1449), the governor of the Turkic state of Timurides, the son of Shakhrukh, the grandson of Tamerlan, is known as an outstanding astronomer and astrologist. At Ulugbek Samarkand became one of the world centers of science of the Middle Ages. "New Guraganov astronomical tables" is considered to be Ulugbek's main work. Accuracy of these tables surpassed all reached earlier in the Orient and in Europe.
The action was useful and informative not only for young lecturers and their parents; other schoolboys and their parents too have shown a great interest to the conference, and on it there were present all students, everyone with some member of his family.
Except for reports of his pupils, the principal listened to offers and wishes of parents concerning the schedule and order of carrying out of lessons. Also the decision to organize a seminar for children on which great scientists and discoveries which appreciably affected development of the human civilization will be discussed was accepted.
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