On 6 February against the backdrop of World Interfaith Harmony Week agenda organized by All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Organisations (AUCRO), Kyiv ICC hosted guests of various religious views, including Christians of different denominations, Jews, Bakhai, Polytheists and Atheists. They were taken for tours of the Islamic Centre, particularly the mosque; introduced to the activities and projects of RAMU “Umma'' and SCUAUA “Alraid”, and, of course, treated with tea and sweets and presented with free literature.
Mufta of RAU “Umma” Said Ismagilov, Chairman of the Board Oleh Guzik, and Head of SCUAUA “Alraid” Department of introduction to Islam and Isamic Culture Tariq Sarhan were there to answer any questions the visitors might have had.
They did have questions, a plenty of them, including the history of emerging and pullulation of Islam, in particular more than a thousand years of this religion on the Ukranian terrain; basics of Islamic teaching, etc. Quite a few questions were about the present-day Ukraine Muslims, their involvement is social life and interfaith dialogue, volunteering initiatives, etc. The guests also asked about the Ukrainian Muslims who took part in ATO/UFO (Anti Terrorist Operation/ United Forces Operation), on activities of Ukrainian Muslims Military Chaplains, and patriotism of the Ukrainian Muslim community.
Noteworthy, events by All-Ukrainian Council of Religious Organisations (AUCRO) against the backdrop of World Interfaith Harmony Week are held under the auspices of Department on Religions and Ethnicities at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, supported by the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies Experts and Religious Studies Department of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. RAMU “Umma” is a co-founder and a member of AUCRO.