Last friday, on 8 December 2017, Kyiv Gymnasium of Oriental Languages had a parents’ day, which meant that the parents were to share classes and hold lessons for their kids. When it came to Arabic lesson, one of the parents found it difficult to hold it himself (given he speaks none of Arabic at all), so he proposed to invite a native speaker and hear the history of origin of Arabic, as well as peculiarities of pronunciation, firsthand. Tariq Sarhan of Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre holds such lectures on regular basis, so he eagerly agreed.
Pupils of the 7th, 8th and 9th grade attended. The guest told them about arabic writing and calligraphy, history and spreading of Arabic, and mentioned some peculiarities, namely its moldability (the Arabs prefer to make their own words for the new inventions and phenomena rather then borrow them from other languages). And, of course, Mr.Sarhan mentioned the special role of Arabic language for Muslims worldwide, as the language of the holy Qur’an and works of Islamic theologists.