Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre offers its visitors a traditionally varied programme during the Holy month of Ramadan. Tense situation in the country influenced some things, though: this is the first time in several years when Shaikhs from Al-Azhar and University of Medinah didn’t come to spend Ramadan at Islamic Cultural Centres all over Ukraine. Our greatest concern, however, is safety for our compatriots in the Southern regions and in occupied Crimea.
At Kyiv ICC mosque supplications are made (after fajr) and lessons on fiqh and Qur’an are held, both for women, children and men. Reminders and lectures on the Qur’anic stories, along with joint taraweeh prayers, are available as well. Beautiful and expressive recitation of the Holy book is taught by Shaikh Haydar Al-Hajj, a teacher from the Higher Medrese of Hafidh in Crimea temporary forced to leave the peninsula.
Besides, lessons, reminders and tea parties (men and women separately) are held between iftar and taraweeh. They are read by Shaikh Rasim Dervishev, Head of Islamic Culture Department Mr. Tariq Sarhan and Master of Shariah Shaikh Seyran Arifov.
Scale reconstruction of Kyiv ICC building and yard is completed this year, so people can break their fast in the open air. Women eat under the awning; as for men, they have tents set up for them.
Female visitors also mark out the new mosque hall for women, spacious and comfortable.