On 2 May, the volunteers of Women’s Organisation “Maryam” took the planned trip to Pryluky Education and Rehabilitation Centre, where 72 very special pupils with different disabilities, aged 3 to 11, are taken care of. Five female volunteers were accompanied by three men who carried all the luggage.
With the funds raised, the volunteers managed to bring 72 pairs of new shoes, new underwear, office supplies and supplies for arts and crafts. Moreover, there was enough money left of afford a team of animators who demonstrated chemical experiments, to the pure joy of the little spectators!
But the animators weren’t the only ones to entertain the kids: Tariq Sarhan presented his one-man performance on How to Choose Friends, having greatly involved the audience. The kids eagerly complemented to the plot, and in the end it was them who decided that friends are worth choosing for their personalities, not for their money and status.
In the end of the visit, every child received a pack of sweets.