Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” in canonical concord with Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea and Religious Centre of Ukrainian Muslims due to the The European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) decision proclaims that this year the Holy Month of Ramadan begins on the eve of July 8, and July 9 is the first day of fasting.
The AUASO “Alraid” and RAMU “Umma” congratulate all Muslims upon arrival of this Blessed Month and wish them steadfast faith, spiritual elaboration and God’s contentment.
Time For Spiritual Purification
Fasting is the time of spiritual purification for Muslims. It is time for rethinking and getting closer to God. However, in our emphasis on refraining from food, drink, and marital relations during the daylight hours, we should not forget many other important aspects of this sacred time. The Creator warns us from the month of His Prophet: “if one doesn’t quit telling lies and behaving outrageously — the Lord has no need for such people depriving themselves of food and water”.
Preliminary Date For Eid-al-Fitr
The next new moon will mark the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan and the beginning of the Fast-Breaking Fest Eid-al-fitr (Turk. “Uraza-Bayram”, vainakh “Marhazh”). Due to preliminary calculation, this year it happens to be on August 8.