As of 01.01.2011, Alraid incorporated 20 social organisations from various Ukrainian regions. These are local and regional organisations pursuing common objectives:
- acquaintance with the Islamic and Arabic cultures;
- strengthening of friendly contacts and relation between nations;
- moral, religious and cultural upbringing of youth;
- expansion of contacts with social organisations and individuals in the field of science, culture and sports.
- assistance to students in solving their problems and in adaptation of foreigners in the Ukrainian society.
The membership of Alraid divisions varies by region. These are volunteers of various age groups and occupations, but mainly young people. Natives of various countries can be found among Alraid members, as all of them are got together by virtue of common interests and the faith in God.
Children are a greatest mercy granted to us by the Most High. Will we be able to protect from harm not only the bodies of the jewelries that we entrusted but their morals and purity of soul? This... >>>
A family seminar hosted by “Al-Amal” organization on April 21, 2013 in the Islamic Cultural Center (Donetsk) drew attention of Muslims from other cities of Donbas region, like as Lugansk... >>>
The All-Ukrainian action “Making Ukraine clean” was held on April 20, 2013, when dozens of thousands people in more than 250 localities were cleaning parks, squares and forests, to... >>>
Clothes, article of basic necessity and healthy food are just a short list of orphans’ needs; some of them are badly in need for expensive drugs and money for medical treatment. The Women... >>>
A children’s contest of artistic works, “Miracles of the Koran”, was hosted by the Islamic Cultural Center “Al-Amal” (“Hope”) in Donetsk, with participation... >>>
The Social Organisation “Emel” is continuing the effort on popularizing sports and health way of life among the Crimean youth. “Emel” activists, remembering the saying of the... >>>
A contest for young girls and ladies, devoted to Koran recitation, was hosted by the Islamic Cultural Center “Al-Isra” located in Vinnitsa (Ukraine), on Saturday, April 13, 2013. Twenty... >>>
They are diligent students, fond of sports and visiting various circles and workshops. Each of these young girls has hobbies, dreams and plans for future. Like all the teenagers, each wants to do... >>>
It was from 22 till 28 March 2013 that Kiev residents had a rare opportunity to read people like books. This chance is given by the action “Live library” in the framework of the... >>>
It was on March 24, 2013 that Muslim teenagers visited a master class on emergency medical aid to persons injured in various daily situations, organized in the Islamic Cultural Center of Kharkov.... >>>
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